dagnazty@portfolio:~$ whoami

Just a beaver doing human things.

dagnazty@portfolio:~$ cat introduction.txt

I build stuff that interests me, and sometimes that happens to include network security tools and fun projects for devices like Flipper Zero.

dagnazty@portfolio:~$ cat about.txt

When I'm not coding, I'm usually tinkering with hardware, learning something new, or hunting for interesting problems to solve. I believe in making practical tools that actually work - no fancy promises, just stuff that does what it's supposed to do.

dagnazty@portfolio:~$ ls -la projects/

Check out all my projects directly on GitHub:

// My most popular repositories include tools for security testing, penetration testing,

// Flipper Zero utilities, and firmware for specialized hardware devices.

dagnazty@portfolio:~$ curl https://api.github.com/users/dagnazty

Public Repositories
Total Stars
Total Forks
dagnazty@portfolio:~$ cat skills.txt


  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • PowerShell
  • C
  • C++
  • Bash


  • Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Network Security
  • Social Engineering
  • BadUSB Development
  • IoT Security

Tools & Technologies

  • Flipper Zero
  • M5Dial
  • Evil-BW16
  • Discord Webhooks
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
dagnazty@portfolio:~$ cat contact.txt

Want to collaborate on a project or just say hello? Connect with me through these channels: